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2134 views | 0 Vote this question as useful. 0 Vote this question as not useful. | Last updated on Oct 20, 2017 Library Facilities & Resources
Yes- here's how to do it:
Note: You cannot request textbooks from the Student Support Textbook Collection online.
NOTE on books/videos at other libraries: Items are pulled from shelves only once each morning (M-F). Campus mail delivery may take 2-4 days. If you require faster service -- or, if you have not heard from us within 10 days -- contact the library directly. Also note that items are not always returned by their due dates. Items on order will take longer.
NOTE on requesting books/videos that are checked out: Items are not always returned by their due dates. You will receive a message at your ACC email address when requested items are ready for pickup.
If you wish to suggest or request that a new title be purchased for the library, you can find more information here.
See related: Get a book or article ACC does not own || Document Delivery